
Last Night at BSM

June 25, 2018

Last night at BSM, Rev. Raymond Bonwell led us in meditating on Mark 4:35-41  where the disciples were in a boat, a mega-storm threatened to sink them, and Jesus was asleep on a cushion.  The disciples were afraid with a great fear.  Jesus rebuked the storm for he was intent on crossing to the other side — to bring peace to not just those in the boat but to those who were strangers and outcasts.  May we also experience the Peace of Christ so that we participate in extending that peace to all people amidst the storms.

The community lifted these prayers to God:

Dear Father & Dear Church, please bless *** and I, our friends and family, as we will be married by the state on **** and take the sacrament of marriage with representatives on ****.  Bless our path, make us brave in God’s love and in our faith. 

Dear God, help me draw better.

Prayers for well-being.

Please pray for my continued sobriety, and progress in my 12 Step recovery program.

I pray for my mother who is dealing with intense stress.  I pray for my sister who struggles with toxic friendships and emotional instability.  I pray for my brother who struggles with down syndrome.  I pray for my father whose brother passed from sarcoma, and who is getting over life-threatening mistakes.

Please be with the families separated, and those traveling around the US to help them.  Please be with those experiencing homelessness, and help our city to find solutions.  Please be with those experiencing substance use issues, and help them to use courage and strength that you provide.

I am so alone, and bereft of love and companionship.  I pray that changes.

Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to rest this weekend.  Keep blessing the garden and the neighbors of ****.  I love you.  Amen.

Please pray for my sister, ****.  Bring her peace and strength and safety as she transitions to a new college campus. God be with her.  Thank you.

Dear God, thank you for being in my family this week.  I will continue to seek you as we heal and grow.  Amen.

Thank you for listening to my prayers.  You are so great, God.  I love you, and I’m sorry for forgetting you are always listening.

I ask for strength and peace to step into the coming week.