
Last Night at BSM

July 9, 2018

Last night at BSM, Rev. Raymond Bonwell led us in meditating on Mark 6:1-13.  Jesus is rejected as a prophet in his hometown.  Then, he sends the apostles out in pairs equipped only with the Word of the Lord; calling people to repent.  We might not feel ready, we might be rejected, but we do not make this journey alone.  God is with us, and we are with one another!  Amen.

The community lifted up these prayers:

Please pray for: ****–that God would increase her confidence, enlarge her territory, and open doors of opportunity in ****; Me–that I might grow closer to God, and be the best me I can be; All who serve at BSM–that they may be blessed in new ways for their service.

Prayers for my family: that God stand at the center of all of our hearts, guide all of our words, steps, and actions.

Prayers for the health of my family.  Prayers for my art.

Please pray for ****, ****, and their children. ****’s status with ICE has been heightened and he has a court date this ****.  He and his family are terrified and heartsick at the thought of being separated.  Please give his lawyers wisdom, the judge a spirit of grace, and his family Your peace and love during this trying time.  Keep his family together.  Amen.

I pray that God will give me strength and comfort this week.

God, you have been so good to me.  In the coming weeks, give me stamina, presence, and patience as I prepare my heart and mind for what is next.  Amen.

Pray for **** and **** as they continue to figure out their next steps in life.

I express gratitude for this community, for sun, for art, and fellowship.  I lift up my heart, asking for guidance and peace.

Dear God, please be with me during my procedure tomorrow.  I pray I am healthy.  Also, stay with my dad and mom and stepson and son and stepdaughter and husband and all of my huge family.

Dear God, please be with the immigrant children who are separated from their parents.  Please re-unite them quickly.

Quite honestly too tired to know what to pray for.  I pray for the world and everyone trying to stay alive in it.

Prayers for the next generation of pastoral leadership at Broad Street Ministry.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus, for the rescue in Thailand and the continued mission of the rest of the soccer players and rescue team.  Thank you, Lord.  Thank you, Jesus.