
Last Night at BSM

February 19, 2018

Last night at BSM, in honor of Black History month, we lifted up the voices and imaginations of the prophets of the Old and New Testament, the prophets among us, and the prophets in our world.  Those gathered traveled through different prophetic prayer stations as a way to mark the beginning of the lenten wilderness journey.  In the wild, may we listen to the prophets of the Bible, to the prophets around us, and even give utterance to our own prophetic voices as we cry out against injustice and violence.

The community lifted these prayers to God:

Please pray that tension in my house would subside.  Please pray for the ****s since the death of their mother, wife, and grandmother.

Please continue to pray that I may stay clean as I am new to sobriety, and thank you for praying for me.  I have 43 days so far.

Help us to hold on in the wilderness.  To breathe.  To push through what is small and what is incomprehensible (in the end).

I am sad for our country.  Wondering when we will learn the lessons that gun violence is trying to teach us.  I pray for peace, hope, and positive change.

Dear God, feeling the wandering vibe.  Feeling like an Israelite who wants to make it to the promised land.  Will I be a wilderness child always?  Show me where to place my altar in the world.  I love you.  Amen.

Abolish guns.  Abolish borders.  Abolish ICE.  Abolish gerrymandering.  Abolish PACs.  Abolish lobbying.  Abolish billionaires.  Abolish fossil fuel.  Abolish nuclear weapons.  Abolish food scarcity.  Abolish war.  Abolish hate.  Amen.