
Last Night at BSM

January 12, 2017

On Sunday, January 8th, Sammie Evans preaches on Mark 1:9-15. On Baptism of the Lord Sunday, Sammie unpacks the text as she explores the journey of the past 8 weeks post-election, and Christ’s call to no longer live in fear. At the initiation of his ministry, Jesus compels us to join him in fearless determination to fulfill the purpose God has for his ministry on earth.

Listen here.

Prayers of the gathered community:

Please pray for discernment as I make decisions about jobs. Also pray for my cousin **** who was in  a car accident last week; for smooth recovery and that she would not be discouraged.

Prayers for ****’s thyroid surgery on Tuesday.

Pray for **** to be healed

That her mind will see the kingdom

That her heart will be full

I love God!

Please pray for **** as she is faced with job choices,

that she may walk in God’s wisdom as she makes choices.

For **** as he enters drug treatment

For me as I find courage to do the things God has inspired me to do

I have been suffering with chronic Lyme disease for 4 years.

I suffer debilitating symptoms and co-infections.

Please pray for me and my family.


Please remind me

Gently about your


Our time is not Your time

And efficiency crowds

Out faith.

Give me ears to hear

The rhythm of your

Clock, and align

Mysef to the beat

Of Your drum


For next steps, for exhaustion, for new relationships, Lord give me strength

Prayers for:




And the state of the nation!!!

Feeling beat down by my own internal self-imposed fear, isolation, self-doubt.

And it has rendered me ineffective. Unfaithful.

Lord, release me (us) from our fear. Let us celebrate your baptism boldly.

Thank you for this place, that brings me out of myself.

My prayer

Gratitude to the BSM community

I pray that God walks

With every member of this community this week


Thank you Lord

Thank you Jesus

For my family and friends

Who are so supportive of me.

Especially my extended family and friends.

Prayer for my daughter

She is young

And seems a little lost

I pray for **** and her cat **** who face eviction,

and for everyone on the streets in this weather.

I pray for the country and the world, every day,

even though I feel no hope. What can I do except pray?

Praises to God for reconciliation of old relationships.

Prayers for continued peace and calm through the storms in my mind and in this world.

Praying for BSM, our future, the mission study, our staff.

Praying for **** and ****.

I pray that God gives strength and courage to

all those who need it in this trying time.

Prayers, with much love.

Dear God, Please be close to my mom and dad as they live with their last years-

help me to know what to do, what to say- amen.

And thank you for everything

PS- please be with ****.

Please pray that all of the **** community will have all God’s promises according to Philippians 1:6. Please pray Philippians 1:6 over this community just like I received it before I got saved as well as before I became a believer in Christ and God. I was an atheist when Philippians 1:6 was prayed over me. Please pray all of God’s promises over this community and every individual in it.

Pray for father-in-law in hospital in Beijing. Praise for grandma’s liver healing and getting on new meds. Pray for big interview tomorrow! Fill me with your spirit of courage. I love you. Amen.