
Broad Street Ministry at 15

May 15, 2020

Broad Street Ministry opened its doors on May 15, 2005—15 years ago today. Our celebration looks different during the pandemic, but we still wanted to commemorate the milestone and invite you to share your BSM story. It can be as simple as sharing a photo or you can create a video, artwork, poem, or anything else you feel moved to share. Submit it all on our contact page with the subject line: BSM at 15. We’ll compile all your stories, create a Facebook album, and share some on our social media over the next few weeks. If you can’t wait and share your story on social media before us, use #BSMat15 and tag us!

To kick things off, our own Rev. Colee shared her own story below:

Me at a Broad Street Ministry event in 2011

As BSM celebrates fifteen years, I think about how much Broad Street Ministry has impacted my own life over the past 10 years. From attending worship here while in seminary to completing my internship as a “Pastoral Associate in Residence” here to finding my first friends, roommates, apartments, and connections in Philadelphia at Broad Street Ministry. Most significantly, it was here that I first realized that I wanted to become pastor.

I knew when I walked into Broad Street Ministry in the fall of 2009 that I had found my dream church. It had everything—theological depth, soulful worship, space to explore faith and doubt, an unwavering commitment to justice, beauty, and societal transformation, along with a vibrant, creative, and deeply accepting community. I found a place that could feed my body, mind, and spirit. I found my home.

While there have been many stories since then, my second date with my now husband, Eric, stands out. We made plans to have dinner in Center City and were meeting at 315 S. Broad Street so we could say hi to some folks in the BSM community. When we popped in, we discovered that the staff was short a few volunteers for the Breaking Bread meal. Eric and I threw on aprons and became impromptu servers that night. It was a great date and I highly recommend every couple give volunteering together at BSM a try!

Broad Street Ministry and I found each other at a particular time in our lives and we’ve both been irrevocably changed by one another. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. I’ve heard so many amazing stories over the years about how BSM altered the trajectory of peoples’ lives for the better.

-Rev. Laura Colee

Thank you for celebrating 15 years of Broad Street Ministry and thank you for being a vital part of this community. We are looking forward to seeing all your stories. Don’t forget to share them here.

BSM Staff Retreat photo from 2010. I’m in the center with the yellow sweater.