
Last Night at BSM

November 27, 2017

Receive the Christ in our midst through solidarity and compassion. Rev. Michele Ward preached on Matt. 25:31-46 on Christ the King Sunday.  Step through the door and experience the Upside Down Kingdom where the impossible is possible.

The community offered these prayers to God:

I pray that solutions and relief comes tomorrow.  Help through a rough day.

My uncle died on Thanksgiving and he didn’t leave things “in order.”  Please pray for me and my family as we plan (and pay for) his memorial service.  Thanks! 

Dear God–Please heal us.  Please help me extinguish all these new insecurities.  I love you.  Please help.  ****.

Dear God–Your kingdom is bigger than my anxieties or doubts.  I need your peace and provision.  Show me the way you would have me go.  I need you, God.  I love you.  Amen.

God, be for us.  Guide our community.  Bless ****, and be with her next Sunday.  I ask for prayer for my husband, for my marriage, and for decisions we need to make together.

Please.  Be.  Present.

I re-commit myself to submission and listening to love, but I’m gonna need help.  Help, please.

I pray against the tide of hate, violence, discrimination, and corruption in our country and in the world.  I pray for everyone resisting and building God’s kingdom and I pray to find somewhere I can stand and fight too.