
Last Night at BSM

January 15, 2018

Last night at BSM, Dr. Eric Flett led us in a meditation on Luke 15:25-32 where we explored the covenantal relationship between the Father and the Older Son.

The community offered these prayers to God:

Prayers for wellbeing.

Please pray for: 1. ****’s success in the search for a new job, and 2. for me, as I explore what is next in my life, relationship, career, etc.  May I walk worthy!

Please pray for **** as he awaits his transplant procedure in the hospital!  Please pray for my friend **** in her new nursing job and that things would get easier and brighter.

Prayers for cities and communities under siege by challenges real and imagined.

Tomorrow is 3 years since **** has been seen or heard from.  Forgotten medications still in the dining room on the table; only a red coat and **** missing.  Heavenly Father help us deal with this confusion.  Thank you.

Prayers for friends and family who have departed and those who miss them…for ****, for ****, for my parents, for ****!

In the new year, I want to pray to learn how to have goals.  I pray to understand and accept the trauma that happened to me, learn from it, and heal from it.  I pray to understand the support and resources I have, and to start to be better.

Prayers for our nation’s leaders as they wrestle particularly this week with budget priorities.  May they be touched by God, our prayers, and the voices of many faithful and needy people.

Dear Father, help me release worry and let my inner 8 year old win.  Please bless **** as he prepares his 1st sermon for us.  Love, your kid.

Prayer for peace of mind, body, and soul in the coming weeks.

Dear God, thank you for your healing love, and all the hands and hearts that have reached out to me to support me since the incident that happened to me.  I feel the love and I am healing well.  Hallelujah.  Amen.

Prayers as we may be putting an offer on a house this week!  Very exciting!  Also, a little scary.  Looking forward to creating home.

Prayers for all our staff and volunteers who care so deeply about our spiritual home.  Keep them healthy, cared for, joyful, and inspired!

Prayers for peace, wisdom, courage, hope, and strength through God.

Please be with my friend **** and her family.  Give her strength to go through this difficult time and patience to discern how to follow your lead.  Please be with people experiencing homelessness and give us the guidance to end this crisis.  Please give me patience and grace to reach your potential.