
Maundy Thursday at BSM

April 1, 2015

Maundy ThursdayEvery Sunday in worship at Broad Street Ministry, we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.  You can also call it Holy Communion or the Eucharist.  The invitation to participate in this meal always starts with words like, “On the night he was to be betrayed, arrested, and handed over to suffering, Jesus gathered with his friends over a meal.”

Every time we gather around this meal at Broad Street Ministry, we emphasize that this is a meal that depicts the reign of God – where everyone has enough, where every tear is wiped away, where humanity is reconciled with itself and with God.  But what about that part about Jesus being betrayed, arrested, and handed over to suffering?

Maundy Thursday is our remembrance of that last night Jesus spent with his friends, the night he was betrayed, arrested, and handed over to suffering – the Last Supper.  It’s an opportunity to ask hard questions like: If God is here among us, how can there be betrayal?  Why does there have to be suffering?  How can God be in my life and there is still pain?

We hope you will join us Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 pm in BSM’s sanctuary for Maundy Thursday.  Adam Ogg, our Seminary Field Education Student, will preach, Sammie Evans, our Pastoral Associate, will lead us in a participatory remembrance of this meal for ourselves, and John Francis will lead us in song.

Maundy Thursday is a heavy day – but stay tuned, there’s lots of good news to be heard on Easter Sunday…

Broad Street Ministry is a broad-minded faith community committed to extending radical hospitality and creating a spiritual home for all, especially those who feel like they don’t belong anywhere else. For more information, click here.