
Last Night at BSM

January 25, 2017

The Sunday after the Inauguration, Rev. Sammie Evans preaches on Luke 4:14-21. Jesus comes to give mercy, to proclaim the Year of Jubilee, and to extend shalom. As followers of Jesus, Sammie compels the community of God to embrace the Year of Jubilee through their belief in the gospel and their commitment to social action.

Listen here.

Prayers of the gathered community:

I just want you’ll to keep me in your prayer every day.
I love being here, and I want to be here. This place here is God Place Just keep me, ****, in your prayers

Please pray for:
****’s friends and families as they mourn her loss and remember her legacy.
Me as I become all I can
For ****- stable job with benefits
For **** in drug rehab and for his dad **** as he worries … give him peace

Please be with my stepson, he is troubled.
Please guide him.
And please be with my son. Help him to know you, help him to be wise and to perceive what is good and healthy for him, and what is not. Amen.

Prayers for reconciliation across many groups and relationships.

Anoint us with your Spirit. Give me the wisdom to know how to lead and the courage to do it.
You for
In faith
Me spread

Thank you God for thinking about me

Dear God-
Thank you for Dad safely making it to Suzhou. Give him clear biopsy results. Please help me partner find a job in a good work environment.
I love you.

I pray for my fellow co-workers, that they may receive their un-employment compensation.
May they be paid fairly.

Thank you Lord
Thank you Jesus
Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.
May we have hope in the new year 2017.