
Advent 1: Overcoming Despair

November 30, 2015

Rev. Sammie Evans brings us a word from, Luke 21:25-36 and Jeremiah 33:14-16 entitled, “Overcoming Despair.” When we believe something it seeps down into our deepest self and transforms us. Because this is not easy work we must believe that God is our righteousness. This doesn’t come from us, but from God. This belief saves us from despair. Just as when Israel broke God’s covenant with them, God didn’t give up on them, God also doesn’t give up on us. This gives us hope in the midst of despair. In this season of Advent our despair is replaced with hope. Hope that even as we work toward transformation God is our righteousness. Moving from hope to despair gives us the ability to participate in the work of the Kingdom of God.