
Last Night at BSM

May 4, 2015

5.3.15Last Night Sammie Evans preached on Revelation 21:1-6 and spoke about where she finds hope in the uncertainty of our world.  Given the unrest throughout our nation, and particularly in Baltimore, keeping in our hearts and minds the thousands of lives that were taken in Nepal, and the pain and suffering that we see every day in our own city, Sammie is looking for where we find hope.  Hope that the resurrection isn’t something we celebrate once a year on Easter, but that something has been set into motion that we can experience and know every day, even amidst such grotesque injustice, sadness, and suffering.So we’re turning to Revelation for a hope. A hope that God is indeed making all things new. This is not the kind of hope that is set far off into the future in another place and time, but a hope that we can feel deep within our souls. A hope that we are being made new—even now. A hope that the suffering and sadness we feel can and will diminish. It is a hope rooted in faith that God is working in the world and that none of us are beyond repair.

Tony led the band in singing the BSM classic Bring ‘Em All In by Michael Scott, the classic spiritual His Eye is on the Sparrow, and Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing by Stevie Wonder.

Our community then offered the following prayers to God as our Psalms of the Street.

I pray that God can buoey my hopes and give me courage to continue forward.

A simple prayer for Sarah and I. We ask for the this community to hold us up in prayer in regards to our soon to be born son *****. His physicians are doubtful for his arrival into this world. Just repeat his name *****, *****which in Hebrew means God Will Help! May God help us all. Amen!

I recently had an exciting internship offer recinded, because the “faith-based” agency did not feel as though my sexuality would foster strong professional/personal relations in the workplace. This brings up my big two requests:

  1. Time is shortening to find a great fit for my graduate internship
  2. The weight of loss/rejection brought about by my “coming out” process is really hitting hard these days à especially with the forthcoming wedding.

Additional request: ***** is heading to her mom’s house to get some stuff settled before our move. Her mom is not supportive of our marriage, and there is much anxiety about this visit. Please pray for peace. Love, *****.


Please pray for

The *****and *****families who both suffered losses of loved ones this week.

For *****, his stability, our friendship

That I may continue to seek out that which is bigger than me; greater than I have dreamed, more fulfilling that I can imagine

My daughter’s safety and success


For my friend *****, who is experiencing deep doubt, questioning, health concerns, and is so fully your child! Fill her with your Spirit.

For ***** and *****, that you be with them and heal all that is pain and broken.

Also that our world would listen to the pain and cried of injustice that we would be transformed.


I pray that I would learn or maybe continually relearn, how to be filled with God’s love and hope so I can proclaim God’s glory in the world.

I also lift up a protest I am taking part in tomorrow to overturn legislation that silences the voices of many currently and formerly imprisoned people. I pray that God’s justice would reign and that I would have fruitful conversations with people there.


Thank you for this place, Lord. Thank you for all the people who taught me about what it means to be a disciple and what it means to follow you.


I’m having a really hard time finding community. I’m lonely.


Dear God,

I’m a child with a temper tantrum. I can’t stop screaming and beating my head against walls and throwing things around my room and slapping my wrists with rubber bands and cutting my fingertips till blood comes out. I am furious with you, with myself, with my circumstances. Will you at least give me one of these things:

Safety and protection for my body—someone with a face and a body to protect me

For me to feel ownership and control over my body

A friend-healthy connections to other men so I don’t feel like such a fag

A restored manhood because mine is broken

Just give me one of those things, will you? I feel like those are really reasonable requests, so can you stop giving me reasons to rage and start acting like the father you supposedly are? Thanks.


Keep me walking

your path.

I’ll know it by

how it’s true.

But a gentle

guiding hand

always helps.

And please, God

share your light

of truth into the

hearts of white

people. Open our

ears and turn

our hearts to



Prayers for healing my mothers sad.



With all that I am, I thank you for my son. What a weekend we had. Thank you also for the turn around in Baltimore. What hope that gives us all. Amen.


Please be with ***** and *****

Please be with my brother his daughter this week during their challenging times.

Please give ***** her family the courage inside she needs during this time.

Please be with *****and give her patience and wisdom.


Prayer for the 6 police offices that killed Freddy Grey. Prayer for them and their families as they face the up coming months of trial. Prayer that their hearts would be softened and their ears would be open to the word of God. Prayer that they might repent of the injustice they commited and that they may come to know that they’re forgiven.


Help me, God, to hold boundaries and also to let them go. Deepen my alignment with my true calling and true love and true purpose. Help me to actualize my dreams now and in the future.


Thanks to everyone who prayed for my career and discernment. Your prayer brought me peace and faith that God is working in my life. Amen.



We come, too, because you (all) guide us, teach us, show us a new reality, nudge us, encourage us!

Thank you,


For Baltimore

For Philadelphia

For Peace


For Mr. Grey and his family

For the six police officer and the families

For peace and a better way


My friend’s cousin died of a heroin over-dose today. I pray that God would be with my friend and her family in their grief. I also pray that God would protect the many young adults who are victimized by drugs. For some, it’s too late, but for those that are still with us, may they have access to recovery.


Here is what I need above all –

strength. perseverance. Love.

a way to accept discomfort.

a way to believe in change.

Today I don’t feel like I belong here, or that the kingdom of God can ever happen on earth.

I need to know what to do.


I pray for a miracle for baby *****. I pray that he grows and comes into this world to show us that you, Lord have the final answer. I pray for clarity and unwavering faith for ***** and I. Give me peace and let me put all my faith in you, Lord. I love this baby and pray that he grows into the person he is meant to be.


Please pray for my brother who suffers from drug addiction.


I give thanks for the gifts of God of justice and love. I pray that the grieving and sorrowful may be comforted in this city, nation, and around the world. I pray for the health and well being of my family, and I pray for professional opportunities and prospects for myself.


Broad Street Ministry is a broad-minded faith community committed to extending radical hospitality and creating a spiritual home for all, especially those who feel like they don’t belong anywhere else. For more information click here.