
This Coming Sunday at BSM

May 7, 2015

Here’s what’s on deck for Sunday, May 10th, 2015 at Broad Street Ministry.  Worship’s at 4:00pm.  Rev. Andy Greenhow will preaching on John 15:9-17.  In this text Jesus is talking about loving one another here – that we’re to love one another as Jesus has loved us.  You could look at that and say that Jesus loved us by dying for us.  That’s part of it.  But for a lot of people, and for most of Christian history, it’s been more important that Jesus was here in the first place.  The love that Jesus has for us starts by Jesus showing up in the world and in our lives.  This isn’t that radical a concept until you notice that we look at the world through all sorts of veils.  Protestors and police look at one another through a hale of tear gas, bandanas, and face shields.  Inmates encounter their loved ones through soundproof plexiglass.  Those are just the obvious ones – we also encounter one another across social stratification and many other created boundaries.So perhaps loving another as Jesus loved us is daring to cross a line.  It’s the risk to go be in the same space as another, sometimes physically but more often emotionally and spiritually.  It’s not meeting your neighbor at the fence, but taking a risk to go farther and further than necessary.

We are looking forward to singing a lot of really great songs, but we’re particularly stoked to be singing Talkin’ Bout a Revolution by Tracy Chapman.

Every Sunday after worship, we also have community engagement groups.  These groups are a great way to get to know people, maybe learn something about yourselves, one another, and/or God, and get to know a few more peoples’ names.  This Sunday we’ve got threereally cool groups on deck.

Spiritual Autobiography:  Sara Corse will lead a group that explores the development of faith and spirituality. Reflect on your own path and learn from each other. 

The Art of Self-Care: Self-care is one of the greatest gifts you can give to self and others. Join Tammy Daniels to share and explore the concept of self-care.

LGBTQ Fellowship: Join David Norse for a discussion of LGBTQ history and some of the special commemorations happening in Philadelphia this year. This group is open to all, but it will be of particular interest to those who identify as LGBTQ. 

Broad Street Ministry is a broad-minded faith community committed to extending radical hospitality and creating a spiritual home for all, especially those who feel like they don’t belong anywhere else. For more information click here.